Implementación de lean manufacturing para el mejoramiento del proceso productivo de helados de crema en la Empresa Mickos Ice Cream de la ciudad de Riobamba; periodo 2020
2020-12-04Registro en:
Albán Bonilla, Bryan Marcelo. (2020). Implementación de lean manufacturing para el mejoramiento del proceso productivo de helados de crema en la Empresa Mickos Ice Cream de la ciudad de Riobamba; periodo 2020. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Albán Bonilla, Bryan Marcelo
The main objective of this research work was to apply lean manufacturing techniques and tools to
improve the production process of making ice cream popsicles in Mickos Ice Cream. To achieve this,
downtime was reduced, bottlenecks eliminated, with increased pallet production and decreased
resources, the following methodology was also applied: Mickos' current/initial situation was
diagnosed by applying value stream mapping (VSM), evaluating the production chain; 5'S were
applied to jobs to reduce downtime and improve their conditions; Kanban cards were used in the
conflict area; the results were evaluated and the benefits obtained after the application of Lean
Manufacturing were determined; the Ishikawa diagram was applied, determining that the labeling and
holstering machine is the root of the bottleneck problem; method and time engineering techniques
were used: process, route and flow diagrams; quality loss was calculated according to Taguchi;
diagnostic lean manufacturing tools: value flow mapping and operational lean tools. With lean
manufacturing the following results were obtained: production time of 2 240 minutes and 1500 pallets
for each batch in the initial method, activities that add value (31%), activities that do not generate
value (69%). In addition, it was determined that there is a loss of $ 5512.50 of the 105 damaged ice
cream pallets in the labeling area in each batch. Total savings of 71 minutes were achieved in each
batch, benefiting from 1.18 hours of work to produce more, resulting in 50 extra pallets. A saving of
95% of damaged pallets was also achieved. Finally, it was 1650 pallets of production per lot,
achieving an increase of 10% of the initial production, benefiting from an extra income of $118 for
each batch.