Esbozo crítico sobre las estructuras cognitivas: Génesis del pensamiento científico / Critical sketch on the cognitive structures: genesis of scientific thought
Subía Arellano, Andrés
Gordon, Jacqueline
This paper will analyze the contributions: philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and other disciplines of knowledge; with
that helped attract researchers, such as: Kant, Piaget, Vygotsky, Ausubel and Neisser. All of them, icons of the construction of the
cognitive approach, and understanding of the cognitive structures. Being, in our view, this approach, who to a greater extent,
promotes scientific attitudes: the methodological analysis, inductive-deductive processes, the approach of hypotheses, the resolution
of problems and the continuous approach of questions, that only can be resolved, in the light of empirical research or trial, critical
philosophy, logic or metaphysics.