Extracción, pruebas de estabilidad y análisis químico preliminar de la fracción colorante obtenida a partir del exocarpo del fruto de Renealmia Alpinia
Noriega Rivera, Paco
Coba Santamaría, Pablo
Naikiai, Joselito
Abad, Juan
From the exocarp of the edible fruit Renealmia Alpinia, a natural species from the southern Ecuador Amazonia,
we extract a purple dye. After an alcoholic extraction and subsequent evaporation of the solvent, we obtained
a dye with a yield of 2.13%. The dye was subject of various tests to analyze their stability to different conditions
such as pH, temperature and their behavior to solvents of different polarity. For preliminary chemical characterization
ultraviolet, visible and infrared spectra were taken, as well as quantification of total anthocyanins and
HPLC chromatographic profiles at 520 nanometers. Additionally we assessed the toxicity of the species.