Ubicación óptima georreferenciada de centrales de generación fotovoltaica considerando restricciones de radiación solar y temperatura
Segarra Poma, Angel Javier
This document was made to make known how the stationary climatological situations
of a certain sector can favor the improvement of the general performance of a
photovoltaic system. Since photovoltaic solar energy is based on the generation of
electricity through the constant exposure of solar radiation on the surface of the solar
panels, it produces large concentrations of heat that directly disconnect the
performance of the photovoltaic system and energy production, is for this reason, it
has been considered to analyze the influence of the effect of low ambient temperatures
of rest distributed throughout the mountainous region of Ecuador, in favor of the
photovoltaic system, for which, the georeferenced location of the areas with the
presence of low temperature where a photovoltaic system could be located in a way
that is better for it and reduces the consequences of heating by the concentration of
accumulated surface heat.
There are mathematicians employed in the creation of photovoltaic systems, but
nevertheless the vast majority are based on models to find the best environmental
conditions where maximum solar radiation can be used and how this will affect future
energy production is not considered. This work shows the mathematical models that
integrate the presence of low temperatures and that, in the author's opinion, should be
considered in the study of future photovoltaic projects that can enhance the ideal
atmospheric conditions to prolong their useful life and performance. Within the
document, the use of georeferenced maps can be observed where the presence of
criteria such as population, high solar radiation and cold temperatures could be mainly
used in the creation of photovoltaic systems that contribute to the satisfaction of
existing energy needs.