Determinación del período crítico de competencia de las malezas con el frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Muy Finca en el invierno [Lambayeque, Perú].
Cerna Bazán, L.
Under the conditions of Lambayeque, Peru, a study to determine the critical period of competition of undergrowth weeds with the cultivation of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) "Muy Finca" was carried out in the Experimental Station of Vista Florida with irrigation of pre-seed planting. The results and the statistical analysis showed that: 1) the treatments without weeds during the first 70 days and during all cycle yielded 1 702 and 1 636 kg/ha of bean. respectively and 2) in the all cycle undergrowth weeded treatment, the yield was only 731 kg/ha of bean, which is a 57% reduction of the highest yield Regarding the effects of the undergrowth weeded and un-weeded treatments on the bean crop, the critical period of competence of the weeds with beans in conditions of irrigation of pre-seed planting goes from the 14th to the 70th days after sowing of the crop.