Modo de vida e territorialidade quilombola da Comunidade Ressaca Pedreira - Amapá
08-06-2018Registro en:
CAMPOS, Roberto Júnior de Almeida
The Ressaca da Pedreira community is located 28 km from the city of Macapá-Amapá-Brazil. The residents claim the titling (process that began in 2010) of their lands, this element and others contribute in the significant transformations in their daily practices. On the basis of this the research is problematized around how the hangover community of Pedreira develops its way of life in the face of the new transformations that are characterized in metamorphoses of urban and economic character. These changes lead to intense territorial conflicts. The unfolding of the questions are expressed in the construction of the research objectives. The general objective was to analyze the old and new forms of appropriation and reproduction of the quilombola way of life in the community. In order to answer this question, the categories of life and quilombola territoriality were grasped. It was understood the genesis of the community correlated to the new dilemmas present in the area and it was identified how rural practices are related to real estate speculation, urbanization and land regularization ? The methodology of the work was done in the collection of bibliographies about the subject, besides the accomplishment of field work, accompanied by interviews with the residents, and records of photographic series. The conclusions established indicated the importance of finalizing the process of land regularization, which, in addition to guaranteeing land tenure, allows the inhabitants to raise resources, so as to give continuity to their work (with land) aimed at their development