Atitude ambiental da população urbana de Macapá, Amapá
29-06-2017Registro en:
SOUZA, Adriano Ferreira
Owing to high anthropogenic pressure on natural resources, ther is a crucial need to understand how environmental crises may influence pro-ecological attitudes and behaviours among different parts of society. The goal of this project was to measure the environmental attitude of the urban population of the town of Macapá-AP and verify if the attitude is influenced by sociodemographic variables such as age, gender, years of schooling, annual income (USD), Amazonian and non-Amazonian origin and where spent childhood (rural or urban area). For this, was used the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) tool with 15 items distributed in 5 different facets: limits, anti-anthropocentrism, balance, anti-exemption and ecocrise. The interviewed answered a questionnaire with closed questions. The data was submitted to non-parametric analyzes Spearman and Kruskal-Wallis H. The results showed a positive correlation with the NEP scale with the years of schooling and income variables, and negatively with the age variable. There was no correlation between gender and birth origin if Amazonian or non-Amazonian. The place of childhood in urban areas showed a greater proecological attitude than in rural areas. All facets, with the exception of limit facets, had moderate to high scores, indicating that the population of Macapá presents a positive ProEnvironmental attitudes profile, however, not demonstrating much concern with the increase of human population on Earth. This is the first research with the NEP scale application in Amapá and may serve as a basis for further investigations that may address the issue SEED - Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Amapá