Função sexual de homens portadores de doença renal crônica submetidos à hemodiálise no Estado do Amapá
03-11-2017Registro en:
Research on quality of life in the context of chronic disease has considerably increased in recent years. This is due to the new look on chronic diseases, whose objective is not only to increase life expectancy of this population globally, but mainly to provide a better quality of life (QoL) for these individuals. Among the factors that substantially influence QOL, sexual satisfaction has a great impact and, in this context, male sexual dysfunctions, especially erectile dysfunction (ED), deserve to be highlighted because it has a high prevalence in patients with chronic diseases. The objective of this study is to classify the quality of life and sexual quality of men with chronic kidneydisease (CKD) undergoing hemodialysis in the State of Amapá – Brazil. This study is descriptive, quantitative, cross-sectional, aimed to evalue individuals through the application of a Clinical and Situational Questionnaire, International Erectile Function Index 5 (IIFE-5), Sexual Quotient - Male Version (QS-M) and Kidney Disease and Quality of Life (KDQOL-SD 1.3). The mean age was 51.68 ± 12.36 years, brown and blacks (85.60%), married / stable union (60.20%) with incomplete elementary school (30.60%), receiving financial assistance (42.90%), with hemodialysis time between one and five years (55.10%), mean KTV of 1.17. Hypertension was present in 88.80% of the sample and DM in 38.80% (P = .028), higher DM (p = 0.01), lower mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) (p = 0.04), higher total calcium (p = 0.04), lower albumin (p = 0.03); Higher QoL scores (KDQOL) in the domains of physical functioning, physical function, general health, emotional well-being, energy / fatigue, list of symptoms / problems, sexual function were associated with the best outcome of ED in IIFE5; The highest quality of sex (QS-M) was associated with: black ethnicity (p = 0.001), higher HCM (p = 0.04), higher serum creatinine (p = 0.001), higher albumin (p = 0.001); Best scores in the domains of QOL (KDQOL) physical functioning, general health, emotional function, work situation and sexual function were associated with better sexual quality scores (QS-M)