Tipologia de agricultores familiares no estado do Amapá com base em indicadores de renda
2013Registro en:
MELO, Laila Pinheiro de
The Amazon is certainly an area where farming family manifests itself very characteristic and is the foundation on which rests the extraction of natural resources and most of the food production. In the state of Amapá there is a predominance of subsistence shifting cultivation, with the use of labor, family labor and own financial resources and agricultural production system's main characteristic is the low yield, due to the use of inappropriate farming practices. Given this situation, this study sought to identify and characterize differences relating to family farming systems present in the state of Amapá, organizing this diversity into groups with common characteristics (types). The characterization of family systems was done in four cities in the state of Amapá: Macapa, Santana, Porto Grande and Mazagão. For this study considered a total of 24 indicators related to property, employment and income of producers. The results indicated that. family farmers in the municipalities studied have low availability of hand - labor on their properties, and designate only a small part of their land to agricultural use. Among the main products grown, the vegetables are present, annual crops such as cowpea and cassava and permanent crops, and is currently growing flour responsible for bringing greater financial return to the farmer. Activities such as the extraction and livestock are present in farmers' productive strategy, but only as complementary activities. The productive farmers' annual income is between values of 5,000.00 to 11,100 reais, and the families of farmers mostly not opt for non-agricultural activities, or seek other forms of income not productive seasonally, thus maintaining connection with production agriculture and rural life in space, and for about 10% of the producers to non-farm income represents more than 70% of total household incomeThe most productive farmers with low income cannot meet the income level necessary to meet the basic needs of their family unit, point it becomes necessary to greater attention, to create alternative social organization and productive strategies to improve agricultural performance and financial support of such households