Os anéis de poder: estudo comparativo entre a trilogia O senhor dos anéis de J. R. R. Tolkien e a ópera O anel dos nibelungos de Richard Wagner
15-08-2019Registro en:
MARTINS, Aline Alves
ARAÚJO, Natally Silva de
The present study intends to demonstrate de similarities between One Ring, from The Lord of the Rings, and The Ring, from Der Ring des Nibelugen through the characters’ conception, Alberich, by Richard Wagner and Sméagol/Gollum, by J. R. R. Tolkien, discussing how the power inside the rings has influenced the change in the characters’ personality. The work analysis goes through the comparative literature, taking into consideration a comparative analysis made between the characters mentioned in the study. The characteristics that are similar between the two rings were discussed, emphasizing how the power influenced in the characters’ behavior. The study was carried with a methodology based on a bibliographic research, specifically focused on the concepts of Todorov, Vax, Tolkien, Perrone-Moisés, and others. As a conclusion of this work, it was possible to perceive that the characters, through the objects of study, have significant similarities and both were modified by the inner power the rings present