“Se eu não fizer o bem, o mal não faço!”: as práticas culturais/religiosas afroindígenas do quilombo do cria-ú e o currículo de ensino religioso da Escola Estadual Quilombola José Bonifácio
29-04-2019Registro en:
BEZERRA, Moisés de Jesus Prazeres dos Santos
The present dissertation, “If I do not do good, I will not do evil!”. The cultural/religious Afroindiginas pratices of the Cria-ú Quilombo and the Religious Education curriculum of Quilombo‟s State School José Bonifácio. Aims to discuss how the religious practices of the Cria-ú Quilombo and how these practices are addressed in the curriculum Religious Education in community school. It is dealing with an ethnographic case study, qualitative and research techniques; the participant observation, the semistructured interviews and the description of the facts found in campus research. Purpose of present dissertation is to analyze how it is configured as religious experiences manifested in Cria-ú‟s benzedeiras and how such manifestations are arranged in official curriculum of the Religious Education in community school. The results show that in Cria-ú Quilombo, as well as throughout the Amazon region, the physical and spiritual works developed by benzendeiras, such as blessings, energizing, counseling, childbirths, massages, cocktails in bottles, spiritual baths and medicinal herbal teas, among other activities, are very resort and make up the local Afroindigena identity. The results that also appear, are subject to a area‟s quilombo and regimented by specific legislations, the practice of Religious Education, taught from the kindergarten of Elementary School, of State School Quilombo José Bonifácio, still follows denominational standards, reducing the contentes taught in classroom, to moral values and principles of Christianity, it is not considering the Afroindigenismo elements of local religiosity