Modulation Index Sweep for Selective Harmonic Elimination Technique for a 27-Level Asymmetric Multilevel Converter
This work presents a sweep for the modulation index
in a 27-Level Asymmetric Multilevel Converter that uses the
Selective Harmonic Elimination modulation technique. Different
set of solutions are obtained and presented in order to define
the value of the firing angles for the multilevel waveform as
well as the value of the modulation index. The number of levels
in the converter decreases when the modulation index is low,
which are calculated in order to minimize the Total Harmonic
Distortion of the resulting voltage waveform. The plot of the firing
angles is presented and the instants where the number of level
changes is also shown, this is necessary for future implementation.
Different waveforms for modulation indexes are shown as results.
The proposal is validated using software simulations in time and
frequency domains.
Keywords—27-Level Asymmetric Multilevel Converters, Selective
Harmonic Elimination, Modulation Index.