Energy Storage for Complementary Services in Grid-Tied PV Systems
Kouro-Renaer, Samir
The continuous increase in penetration of renewable-based power plants together with the
intermittent and variable nature of those natural resources have made grid stability issues a major
concern, imposing limitations to higher penetration rates. Energy Storage Systems (ESS) have arise
as an enabling technology capable of providing PV/ESS configurations with additional capabilities,
as such as ancillary or complementary services.
This work presents a complete analysis of three different complementary services (Maximum
Power Ramp Rate limitations, Power Clipping and Peak Shaving). Additionally two different
PV/ESS configurations are analysed. For that purpose, three different power converter interfaces
between PV and ESS were tested. The results obtained from those tests, showing the performance
of the aforementioned complementary services, are presented in this thesis. Moreover, the experimental
validation of a PV/ESS, which consists of a full bridge based partial power converter as power
interface between PV system and ESS, is also presented in this document.
This document also includes two different ESS sizing strategies, each for an specific complementary
service. These sizing strategies rely on a prediction of a year of PV power generation obtained from
annual measurements of irradiance and temperature. In both cases, the resulting power prediction
is contrasted against a desired power profile.