Teachers’ and Parents’ Perceptions about Parents’ Sense of Belonging in Family- School Partnerships: A Case Study of a Primary School in the UK
Ahmed, Farah
The present qualitative study aims to contribute to the emerging body of research on
parents’ sense of belonging to school, which has been identified as a potential factor
to developing family-school partnerships. Designed as a case study, this inquiry is
guided by three research questions: What factors do parents and teachers recognise as
fostering and hindering parents' sense of belonging to school? What are teachers' and
parents' perspectives on the impact of developing a strong parents' sense of belonging
to school? What are the similarities and differences between the perspectives of
parents and teachers about family-school partnerships and parents’ sense of belonging
to school? This study took place on a community primary school in England. Data was
collected through two focus groups, one semi-structured interview and two nonparticipant
observations, with the participation of parents and school staff. The data
was analysed using thematic analysis. The results show that, on the one hand,
particular features of the school atmosphere, family-school communication, parents’
participation in school, teacher-student relationship and connection with the
community were identified as fostering parents’ sense of belonging to school. On the
other hand, parents’ lack of time, parents’ lack of confidence, parents’ beliefs, negative
relationships between parents and school’s language were recognised as indirectly
hindering parents’ sense of belonging to school. In addition, children’s integrity and
wellbeing was identified as the main aim and result of family-school partnerships. The
limitations of this study and suggestions for future research and practice are discussed.