Impact of BIM/Lean on the interaction of construction projects design teams
Alarcón, Luis Fernando
Mourgues, Claudio
Pellicer, Eugenio
Design teams of construction projects are composed of different stakeholders; this fact could make the interactions difficult. BIM and Lean methodologies have a positive impact on construction projects. Besides, there is evidence of the combined implementation of BIM and Lean; however, it is not known the empirical relationship between Lean practices and BIM uses in the design phase. Also, there is not a deeper understanding of the social phenomena that are generated among design teams when BIM-Lean management methodologies are implemented. Therefore, the objective of this research is to understand the impact of Lean design management (LDM) practices, and BIM uses in the interaction of construction project design teams. The research method has two phases: (1) the creation of tools to assess the level of implementation of LDM practices and BIM uses and to understand the interactions in a design team; and (2) the relationship analyses between BIM, Lean, and interaction, based on empirical information from construction projects in the design phase. The results present a BIM uses assessment tool and an LDM practices questionnaire to measure the design management and a method to understand the different types of interaction in a design team. Based on data from 64 projects, a chi-square analysis revealed 33 empirical relationships between BIM uses and LDM practices; also, the application of BIM uses implies a greater application of LDM practices. The project that applies BIM-Lean management achieves many interactions among its design team; transparent, orderly, and standardized information flows; a collaborative, trust, and learning environment; and commitment management. All these interaction elements are not visible in the project, where BIM-lean management was not applied.