Postharvest 1 Physiological Disorders in Table Grapes
Marketability of fresh table grapes is dependent on several quality attributes
53 such as good flavor, appearance and texture, and absence of defects. A large number of
54 physiological disorders can occur during postharvest of table grapes affecting their
55 overall quality and hence, causing considerable economic losses. The most frequent
56 disorders affecting the berry include failure in color development in red varieties, berry
57 shattering or drop, softening, bunchstem necrosis (waterberry) and damage associated to
58 sulfur dioxide application to control gray mold. The susceptibility of table grapes to
59 develop these disorders varies greatly among varieties. Most disorders found in the
60 berry are determined largely by preharvest factors such as environmental conditions,
61 cultural practices and crop management. On the other hand, postharvest handling and
62 management play a critical role in determining the severity of the disorder, especially
63 when grapes are subjected to long periods of storage and transport until reaching the
64 market. Water loss is the main abiotic factor that produces postharvest deterioration of
65 table grapes, particularly in the stem or rachis. Dehydration of the stem results in tissue
66 browning, a disorder that alters table grape appearance leading to consumer rejection. In
67 this chapter, in-depth descriptions of the main physiological disorders affecting the
68 berry and the stem during postharvest of table grapes, as well as their possible causes
69 are provided. In addition, pre- and postharvest approaches that could reduce the
70 incidence and severity of these disorders are reviewed and discussed.