Hypofractionated radiation therapy for early breast cancer: Follow up of a new treatment standard
Solis Campos, Jose Antonio
Veillon Contreras, Gabriel Antonio
Tudela, Benjamin Tobias
Aim: To assess the oncological outcomes of patients with early breast cancer treated with breastconserving surgery and adjuvant hypofractionated radiation therapy. Methods and Material: This retrospective analysis included all patients ≥50 year of age with T1-2 N0 M0
breast cancer treated at our Radiation Oncology Unit between 2008 and 2011. Whole-breast radiation therapy was delivered to a dose of 42.5 Gy in 16 fractions, without boost. The primary outcome was local control.
Results: 212 patients were identified. With a median follow up of 60 months, we found 3% local recurrence and 5.3% regional and/or distant recurrences. At the moment of data analysis, 17 patients had died. Out of 5 local recurrences, 2 had previously had a distant recurrence, both of them died. The other three were still alive at the last follow up. These results are comparable to those observed in Phase III trials that use this fractionation scheme.
Conclusions: The results obtained with this retrospective analysis are comparable to those obtained in large randomized trials. This data also supports the use of hypofractionated radiation therapy in Latin America. Hypofractionated radiation therapy for early breast cancer patients should be the standard
adjuvant treatment.