Propuesta de mejoramiento de Sistema de Incentivos en Empresa Portuaria Valparaíso
2018Registro en:
Farías, J. & Martínez, D. (2018). Propuesta de mejoramiento de Sistema de Incentivos en Empresa Portuaria Valparaíso, Universidad de Valparaíso, Viña del Mar.
Farias Morales, Jesus
Martinez Bruna, Daniel Alfredo
The general objective is to propose an "Incentive System" for workers of Empresa Portuaria
Valparaíso, which is consistent with the regulations established by the SEP Code and with
the strategic objectives promoted by EPV, aimed at stimulating behaviors that lead to the
achievement of individual goals. , collective and / or corporate, beyond the daily work and
professional responsibilities that each worker has in the organization.
Empresa Portuaria Valparaíso has had an exponential growth in matters of human resources,
identifying in its Strategic Plan 2017-2019 the Pillar / Topic of "Excellence in Organizational
Management", being gravitante manage to continue aligning the strategy of the Company
with personal development and professional of its workers, to face the dynamic context that
port activity presents today.
In this context, since 2015 EPV has maintained a "People Management Plan" that, among
other matters, permanently identifies "opportunities for improvement" in other aspects of the
company-employee relationship, which allows employees to remain motivated and
motivated. , enhancing the competitive advantages of all of them, contributing to the
institutional strengthening of EPV. One of the "opportunities for improvement" identified in
EPV is related to preparing and proposing a new Variable Remuneration System for
Executives and Workers of Empresa Portuaria Valparaíso (hereinafter, it will be used as a
synonym: "Incentive System"), which is designed and based on the background provided by
the professional interested in proposing a new alternative or new model, associated with the
variable remuneration rules regulated by the SEP Code in particular, and in general, with the
strategic objectives of EPV.