Anthropometric profile of professional football players according to the position occupied in the playing field
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Hernandez Mosqueira, Claudio
Castillo Quezada, Humberto
Pena Troncoso, Sebastian
Hermosilla Palma, Felipe
Pavez Adasme, Gustavo
Da Silva, Sandro Fernandes
Caniuqueo Vargas, Alexis
Cresp Barria, Mauricio
Gonzalez, Hugo Velasquez
Fernandes Filho, Jose
Objective: Analyze the anthropometric characteristics of Chilean pmfessional soccer players divided according to the position they occupy in the field of play Method: One hundred and fifty-eight (n = 158) professional soccer players divided intoArchers (AR) Defenses (DEF)Volantes (VOL) and Forwards (FOR), with average Age values (24.2 +/- 4.76 years, body mass 75.0 +/- 7.28 kg and height 175.7 +/- 6.32 cm.), All belonging to the Flublense Sports Club of the city of Chillan, Chile. An assessment of the body composition was made using the 5 component fractionation, somatotype, body mass index, sum of six skinfolds and the muscle-bone relationship, following the protocol of the International Society for the Advancements of Kinanthropometry. Results: Regarding body composition, mean values of Adipose Mass = 21.7%, Muscular Mass = 48.9%, Residual Mass = 12.4%, Bone Mass = 11.4% and Skin Mass = 5.2% were obtained. In relation to the somatotype, a balanced mesomorphic classification was obtained with mean values 2.5 5.4 2.1. Conclusion: According to the position they occupy on the pitch, the professional players of the Flublense soccer club present a somatotype similar to that of other national and international soccer players, where the balanced mesomorphic component predominates. However, there is an increase in the percentages of adipose mass (A.M) and a smaller stature, compared to international soccer players, which can determine clear differences in performance with respect to playing positions in competitive situations.