Artículos de revistas
Demotivation in academic reading during teacher training
Muñoz, Carla
Valenzuela, Jorge
Background: In this study, we analyse the process of academic readingdemotivation in elementary preservice teachers. Academic reading motivation isconceptualised from the Expectancy-Value Theory, with the respective eponymousdimensions as well as interest, attainment, utility, and cost as subcomponents for taskvalue.
Methods: These motivational variables were measured by the Escala Motivacional por la Lectura Académica (Academic Reading Motivation Scale). Analysis focusedon confirming the demotivation process organised by four different educational mo-tivation profile types (clusters), as well as by cohorts. Participants were a total of 785elementary preservice teachers from seven Chilean universities, both public and private, from six regions of Chile, enrolled in the first, third and last years of their programme. This population was tested, with a subsample (n = 295) retested thefollowing year.
Results: Results show a concentration of negative motivational changes in the“school motivation” group, as well as changes during the first years of the programme. The more affected dimensions are utility and cost. There is no evidence for changes in feeling of competence for academic reading (expectancy).
Conclusions: We conclude the importance of focusing efforts on avoiding these negative motivational changes in students that demonstrate three key characteristics: they want to become primary teachers, they are engaged in their studies, and finally,they want to work in the school system.