Quantifying the Relationship between entrepreneurship and Competitiveness Development Stages in Latin America
2012Registration in:
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2012, vol. 8, n° 3, p. 249-270
Amorós, José Ernesto
Fernández, Cristóbal
Tapia, Juan
This research aims to quantify the importance of a country's entrepreneurship level in terms of its competitiveness rates. Our hypothesis is that those countries entrepreneurship growth rates increase their competitiveness indicators and that this entrepreneurial improvement could be a key factor in reaching the next stage of development. We establish this relationship using a longitudinal database of Latin American countries that participated in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) and the Global Competitiveness Reports of the World Economic Forum (WEF) from 2001 to 2006. GEM and WEF construct aggregated indexes using several variables to rate each country's entrepreneurship activity and competitiveness development. We use a discriminant analysis to identify various countries' competitiveness subgroups and show how each country's entrepreneurship rates have weight in different stages of competitiveness, placing a special emphasis on Latin America. Our results suggest that Latin American countries need to gain entrepreneurial dynamics and economic (and competitiveness) development by transforming their typical self-employment or low value-added new ventures for local markets into strong, innovative networked firms competing globally. Some management and policy implications are also discussed