Tesis de maestría
How is Mexican Policy-Making Changing as we Move Into Network Society?-Edición Única
Treviño Salinas, Luis Eugenio
This work addresses the topic of network society and its relationship with Mexican policy-making.
It reviews the concepts put forward by Manuel Castells in the "Rise of Network Society" (1996)
and by Yochai Benkler in "the Wealth of Networks" (2006). The transformations that are taking
place due to the implementation of information and communication technology have an influence
on government and policy-making. In order to study this, the approach is to work out a definition of
the concepts of network society and network information economy. Furthermore there is an analysis
of the applications to policy-making in Mexico. In order to answer the research question, how is
Mexican policy-making changing as we move into network society, this work uses a description of
the Mexican status quo of issues related to policy-making, hence actors are classified as political
and economic. Then there is a description of the different institutions that can be influenced by the
concept of network society. The work proceeds analyzing different processes, main deficiencies,
opportunities. The context of globalization is applied. Finally the main contributions to policymaking arising from network society are summarized.