Tesis de maestría
Assessment on Enterprise Architecture and Methodologies
Mendez Barreiro, Juan Carlos
From the beginning of my professional work as a researcher and consultant in the
area of enterprise architectures I found that enterprises are facing new challenges to
maintain and improve their market-share and their competitiveness. These new challenges
mean that they have to respond in a more agile and precisely way to new customer
requirements. These customer requirements have to be identified with no doubts by
answering questions like where, when, how and what needs are needed to be satisfied in an
enterprises by focusing in their expertise in order to adapt their business processes to be
able to respond to the customer requirements.
According with Professor Williams (Williams, 1996) architectures can be of either
two types. Type I presents a pictorial description or model of the physical organization or
structure and Type II describes or models the steps of the process of development of
enterprise integration. Actual research in heading to define the content and the structure of
any organization, in terms of architecture structure (Type II), content, definitions and other
aspects that define what is an enterprise. With the knowledge developed on Enterprise
Architecture (Type II) no more questions will come from the people in charge of defining
the business processes in terms of what to model and how to model in an enterprise. This
knowledge is known as "Enterprise Architecture and Methodology" and is already defined
as an ISO standard (ISO 15704, ISO 19439 & ISO 19440).
So this thesis is using the ISO standard to structure a serial of matrices that will help
an enterprise and their stakeholders and practitioners to find out what is missing in its
enterprise model. The thesis does not intent to say what aspects are better to fulfill in a
specific enterprise mission, but to establish that lacks that contain the aspects that are
weaknesses to obtain the enterprise performance and competitiveness.
The reader will find a complete methodology to perform an assessment and discover
those weaknesses in its enterprise model. Also it will find a study case that will give an
example of what to expect from the assessment proposed. But remember it is not the
intention to give guidelines of what to improve to fulfill an enterprise mission, just to show
the gaps in a particular enterprise model against the standard.