Validación del cuestionario de intención emprendedora en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de Colombia
Laguía, Ana
Moriano, Juan Antonio
Molero, Fernando
Gámez, Jorge Alberto
This paper presents the validation of the Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire (EIQ) in Colombia. This questionnaire, developed and validated in Spain (Rueda, Moriano, & Liñán, 2015), draws on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB, Ajzen, 1991). The TPB is the most widely used model for predicting entrepreneurial intention nowadays. With a sample of 316 Colombian university students, the results of the structural equation modeling confirm that the EIQ has a high reliability and predictive validity of entrepreneurial intentions. The availability of reliable measurement scales validated in different cultural contexts allows comparisons among institutions and/or within an institution along the time (e.g. before and after a course on entrepreneurship). A deep understanding of the psychosocial antecedents (i.e. attitudes toward entrepreneurship, subjective norms, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy) that lead young university students to become entrepreneurs might contribute to a better design of the entrepreneurship education programmes that are being developed from universities and other institutions.