Conference Proceeding
Development of a mobile application: Optimization problems for differential calculus
Nino Rojas, Francisco
Jimenez Valderrama, Martha Tatiana Pamela
Lancheros-Cuesta, Diana Janeth
Gómez Ardila, Sergio Eduardo
This article presents the development of a technological tool that results in student learning about solving differential calculus optimization problems. This work is framed in a research project endorsed and developed at the Universidad de La Salle in Colombia, called Learning to solve differential calculus optimization problems through mobile technology. Initially, evaluation of a mobile application analysis is required, to evaluate characteristics such as: Acceptability, navigability, costs, operating system and impact on learning to solve problems. The development followed the analysis methodology, where the teacher's requirements can be classified and the service is personalized; design, where the technological scenario is defined, and the interfaces and navigability of the application are structured; development, where the design is made; Functional tests, where the application is emulated and simulated, and the teacher presents elements for improvement, to finally assess its effectiveness.