Cognitive - emotional reeducation in case of anxiety about exams
The problem of test anxiety occurs in all levels of education, from elementary school to higher education; school failure is related to this affective disorder, present in absenteeism, failure, low grades and dropout. In a study by Menéndez (2004), 30% of school failure is due to emotional problems, including anxiety, triggered by the personal situation of the student in front of the conception of academic demands. Anxiety can increase or decrease depending on the type of material; for example, it is reported in the PISA 2012 report, that of 10 Mexican students studying a subject suffering from math anxiety 8; 10 students and 5 expressed anxiety at the time of solving a problem. Of the OECD countries, Mexico is the country with the highest math anxiety (OECD, 2013) In the specific case of higher education in Mexico, Hernández-Pozo (2008), cites data from INEGI 2004, two million students who entered higher level, around a quarter of potentially manifested anxiety disorders. In a study by Vargas (2010), a vicious circle of performance and anxiety was found in the time of testing, the lower is the greatest achievement is the rate of anxiety, if it is to increase the academic achievement is higher prevalence anxiety and anxiety is increasing lower academic performance. The prevalence of anxiety in college students is increasing, this due to various family, social, cultural and academic performance factors. An increasing number of reported cases with disorder test anxiety. Several studies in the field of psychology that have been made, Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo ISSN 2007 - 7467 Vol. 6, Núm. 11 Julio - Diciembre 2015 RIDE providing test and explanatory constructs. In this paper, we propose addressing test anxiety through a case from the approach of Rational - Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) by Albert Ellis. First, we show the relationship between school failure and anxiety; Second, we describe how the TREC conceptualized anxiety disorder; and third, we provide a case study from diagnosis to intervention model; concluding with sizing the effectiveness of TREC in the treatment of test anxiety. UAEM