Direito dos animais e a democracia representativa: o desenvolvimento de partidos animalistas e a contribuição das TICs
Finamor, Kamila Godinho
The present work has as its theme the study of the emergence of animalist parties as a
mechanism to expand animal protection, where animals could have representatives engaged in
the animal cause in a space of political action, and the use of the virtual environment as na aid
perspective for growth and organization of these parties. The study was motivated in the face
of the change of understanding of the current society in relation to the non-human, because it
reached a new level in the face of the approach and dependence of the human being. The
formation of animalistic parties in the word arises to corroborate this premise. In this sense, the
research problem seeks to analyze to what extent the development of animalist parties is
suficiente for the increase of animal protection and how the use of network Technologies, in
particular the Internet, can contribute to greater visibility and growth, animalist parties and their
insertion in today´s democracy. The analysis of the animalist parties of the countries of
Portugal, Spain, Germany, Italy and Brazil was delimited. Thus, at first, the Brazilian and
foreign laws were investigated comparing them in order to presente the animal protection with
its flaws. In a second moment, the study of representative democracy was presented with
emphasis on animalist political parties and the connection with Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs), especially the Internet, as a potential for the
advancement of animalistic political associations and animal defese. To answer the research
problem, the deductive approach method was chosen based on a broader analysis of animal
rights and the emergence of representative democracy, for a more precise analysis of the
development of animalist parties and the issue of virtual environment. Regarding the method
of procedure, the combination of historical and comparative methods was udes. In conjuction
with the procedure method, we used indirect documentation research, bibliographic research
and document analysis, and direct, through extensive direct observation. The later was
conducted through a questionnaire sent to animalist parties to analyze the reality and challenges
faced by them. The theoretical framework was built on the basis of scholars on the themes of
constitucional law, animal law, democracy and network society. The dissertation was divided
into twp chapters. With the analysis, it was found that with the outbreak of animalist parties,
animal rights and the impotance of effective protection for the non-human remain prominent
and with greater likelihood of benefits, including legislative ones. In ascertaining the Internet
as na instrument for including animalist parties in today´s democracy, it was concluded that
there are satisfactory partial results, but that only time and the stance of cosiety will determine
more concrete results.