Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Violência de gênero em jogos digitais: observação das interações e percepções das jogadoras no jogo PokeXGames
Gaida, Mariana Carvalho
This research is about gender violence on the game PokeXGames and how they are perceived by female players. To comprehend both interactions and the aspects of the virtual environments, the theorical base used was Fragoso (2008), who brought the concept of games as third places, Hine (2016) and her comprehension of ethnography for the internet, and Saffioti (2001) to talk about gender violence. The purpose of this research was to understand which kind of gender violence are created not only in these virtual environments but also on the interactions that take place inside the game PokeXGames and how the female players notice when that kind of violence shows up on chat messages rather inside the game or in other places that extend through it. To comprehend and analyze the perceptions from five female players and one male player, we approach a methodology inspired on the ethnography for the internet, combining observation and interviews, to which a script was elaborated. For these interviews, the technological resource used was individual video calling. The research aimed to identify different perceptions about gender violence, acknowledging how the experiences inside the game and each one of the female players trajectory could change their understanding of the situation. Thus, it was possible to come to the conclusion that on an overall look, the female
players, notice this kind of violence but they are not always capable of identifying them in theirown experiences or finding help in cases of complaint inside the game. The reports show the need for more information and wide awareness about the subject, and how it is important to fight gender violence. We also highlight how the female representation is necessary for the women interests and rights to be supported and defended as well inside game environments.