Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Integrando mídias digitais no estudo dos cálculos químicos
Squizani, Elisandra Gomes
The aim of this article is to demonstrate the possibility to favor the teaching-learning process of chemical calculations by integrating media to the process. Due to the difficulties found concerning the study of calculations, the need to teach the concepts to the students arises, linking theory, practice and technol-ogies, aiming to favor the process and create more attractive classes. Aiming such objective, digital media was used in the study of concepts. There was great interest and participation of the students, since the subject was pre-sented in a more dynamic and attractive feature, favoring its association with daily life. Thus, knowledge may be built. The results highlight that it is poss-ible to rethink education by using media, considering positive results regard-ing the learning process of students and the work of the teacher, who is a moderator in such process.