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Indução de modelos de árvore de decisão para reconhecimento de entidades nomeadas na literatura biomédica
Viana, Matheus Miller de Campos
The increasing amount of textual documents, especially those related to biomedical
literature, has encouraged many researches in Text Mining. One important field of investigation
relates to Named Entities Recognition (NER), where Named Entities (NE) are referred terms or
objects in a given context. In the biomedical domain, diseases and treatments can be cited as
examples of NE. The recognition of biomedical NE has become a challenge, since biomedical
corpora have particular characteristics, mainly because a given biological object can be often
represented in different terminological ways. Among the different methods of NER, one of them
is the recognition through the context. In this work is proposed a Decision-Tree Model-based
approach for NER in biomedical literature.