Ray tracing em tempo real usando hierarchical scene signed distance fields
Menezes, Vitor Peixoto
Ray tracing is an important technique for obtaining photo-realistic images. The basic algorithm
is well known and consists of tracing rays from a synthetic camera position by
calculating the color of objects colliding with the rays. The number of rays varies, but it is
usually proportional to pixel amount, which raises the complexity of ray tracing technique
because it deals with a large number of collisions between rays and objects. Therefore,
acceleration methods are required. Recently, proposed solutions changed the way that an
object is represented. These solutions use the signed distance field (SDF) to represent an
object. Thus, using a hierarchical signed distance fields approach, our work presents a new
manner of representing a static scene that is capable of decreasing the image generation
time. The algorithm introduces a pre-processing scheme that subdivides the scene and
stores it on disk for later use. Initially, each object must be transformed to a signed distance
field representation and after that, the hierarchy of the scene must be created and saved to
disk. During rendering, the previously generated structure is loaded from disk and used to
calculate the ray tracing.