dc.contributorCardoso, Eduardo Schiavone
dc.contributorFaria, Rivaldo Mauro de
dc.contributorBecker, Elsbeth Léia Spode
dc.creatorGomes, Ligian Cristiano
dc.description.abstractThe study of Cultural Geography presents itself as one of the ways of interpreting and analyzing the spatial organization, as well as explaining the relationship between society/nature. Thus, geography can help in the better understanding of cultural elements from how the current society uses or experiences them in the sense of its logic and spatial dynamics. In this way, cultural factors and elements take on an increasingly central importance in today’s society, both in the aspect of bringing together the process of capitalist reproduction and accumulation, as well as in the dissemination and propagation of values, perceptions and defining behaviors of current relationships. From this, the materialization of the cultural codes of social groups, end up transforming the place in which they migrate, thus aiding in the consolidation of their cultural aspects in the space, which consolidate them as groups and agents promoting the dissemination of culture. Thus, it is based on the assumption regarding the importance of European colonization for the socio-spatial development of the Brazilian territory, mainly in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and with regard to the study area, the municipality of Carlos Barbosa/RS. In this sense, the present research aims to understand the spatial organization of the municipality of Carlos Barbosa/RS through Italian and German colonization. Specific objectives are A) to analyze the origin and development of the municipality of Carlos Barbosa, aiming to verify and understand the path taken by ethnic groups; B) to identify cultural codes, such as typical architecture, religiosity, the typical festivals and the gastronomy of the ethnic groups present and materialized in the landscape of the spatial cut; and C) spatialize the cultural codes through the elaboration of thematic maps, making it possible to understand the spatial organization/reorganization of the territorial unit focused on this investigation. It should be noted that in this investigation the territorial unit of Carlos Barbosa was selected, as it presents relevant cultural codes for its socio-spatial formation. Regarding the existing cultural codes, one can emphasize the typical architecture left by immigrants, the religiosity through the presence of churches and capitals, the gastronomy, and traditional festivities. Thus, as a problem of this research, it is highlighted that it refers to the two ethnic groups present in this territorial unit and, which corroborate for cultural investigations and concerns, which form the foundation of space formation and organization. The relevance of this research is linked to the importance of studies on the cultural theme. Thus, it is important to point out that this municipality has become visible in the landscape, through the elaboration of spatialization maps of the cultural codes still today, emphasizing the preservation and materialization of these codes, of the Italian immigrants, who become responsible for the Carlos Barbosa socio-spatial organization.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Geografia
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectGeografia cultural
dc.subjectCódigos culturais
dc.subjectCarlos Barbosa
dc.subjectCultural geography
dc.subjectCultural codes
dc.titleA organização espacial do município de Carlos Barbosa/RS pelo viés cultural

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