Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
A fala de mulheres negras: desafios entre autodefinição e resistência
Santos, Daniela da Silva dos
This article presents an experience report from my professional background with black
women. The listening and report of this experience configure themselves as a start point since
the reflections propose themselves to approach and problematize resistance and self-definition
of black women from feminist studies. In an attempt to deconstruct – construct – reconstruct
dialogues with self-narratives in the seek for finding reconstruction of who writes history in
the path of life. I searched for a theoretical framework in Jasso’s work to write this report.
Understanding how this history articulates as a process – the process of formation and selfnarrative
(JOSSO, 2006) in dialogue with feminist perspectives of black women as Patricia Hill Collins, Bell Hooks, Angela Davis.