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Atividade escolar de leitura e escrita mediadas pelo blog em uma turma de educação para jovens e adultos
Santiago, Teresa de Deus
This article discusses about a research related to the contribution of the blog as a technological and educational resource for development of reading and writing skills in a group of education for young people and adults from the Public High School Nossa Senhora das Vitórias, Cacequi – RS. Since that people are increasingly embedded in the virtual world, we believe that an educational practice that integrates school contents and Internet resources presents subsidies to potentiate the teaching and learning. Because of this, it was implemented in the discipline of Portuguese Language a school activity of creating and updating a blog with the purpose of providing the inclusion of a student’s group that integrates the education for young people and adults, in age of computers connected to the Internet, in order to make another way for them to develop reading and writing. Then, we concluded that such activity mediated by the blog favored interaction and collaboration among all involved in this process, and encourage them, through constant upgrades to read and write, according to the standard norm of Portuguese language.