Jogos e brincadeiras no cotidiano dos Anos Iniciais como Ato de Educar
2016-05-30Registro en:
OLIVEIRA, Maria Auxiliadora de. Jogos e brincadeiras no cotidiano dos Anos Iniciais como Ato de Educar. 2016. 21f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Pedagogia a Distância), Centro de Educação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
Oliveira, Maria Auxiliadora de
The research titled games and play in the early years as a daily act of educating aimed to discuss the importance of the playin children's knowledge of the construction process.The theoretical foundation was marked in the authors view as: Brazil (1998, 2007); Kishimoto (1997, 1999, 2000, 2010); Winnicott (1975), among others. The research was developed in a Municipal School of Jardim do Seridó-RN,when it was applied a questionnaire with five questions to six people,an educator coordinator and six teachers in the early years, in order to analyze the vision of the subject matter. With the data it was possible to conclude that through play, interaction with classmates,the child learns rules and values, to make important decisions for your life, collectively part of the daily activities in the school routine.Therefore,the playfulness promotes knowledge in a pleasant way, developing their skills and abilities, becoming more emotional, and expanding their knowledge.