Tese de Doutorado
Uma tradução dramática do Ciclope de Eurípides
Vanessa Ribeiro Brandao
Euripides Cyclops is a satyr drama of the fifth century BC. The plot coincides with the ninth book of the Odyssey, but with a satyr chorus and Silenus. Because it belongs to this genre, the text is burlesque, and is arranged in prologue, dialogues, and choral songs. The purpose of this work is to translate Euripides satyr drama Cyclops contemplating it as the drama it is. Therefore, concomitant to the translation work, a lexicon and a study of the scenes were elaborated, in order to facilitate the translation and the understanding of the dramaturgy of the text. For the composition of the translated text, we opted for a simple language, with vocabulary and syntax that are familiar to commonly spoken Brazilian Portuguese.