Internacionalización de las pasifloras
Sanabria Castillo, Katherine Marcela
The idea of this study is to analyze the competitiveness and the recognition that is being generated
for the Colombian pasifloras subsector, in addition to the generation of employment generated by
thousands of peasant families whose only source of income are crops in the field. In different parts
of the world, but mainly in Europe, there are the biggest demand for pasifloras, which as they are
well known are the same exotic fruits as it is called in foreign countries, which they like these
Colombian fruits for their exquisite flavor and infinite nutrients; apart from that it fulfills many of
the requirements that countries demanding of these fruits demand in their market for the entrance
of products, especially if they are fresh fruits. Most foreign applicants prefer these fruits without
any kind of transformation, as many are more grateful for the fact that the product offered to them
is natural and has no chemical intervention or anything similar.