Implementación de un Programa Psicopedagógico Integral en la Inteligencia Emocional en Niños(as) con TDAH del Liceo Llinás de la Ciudad de Pereira
Montoya Duque, Olga Lucía
Martínez Loaiza, Graduel Lucero
This article describes the implementation of a program on Emotional Intelligence Psycho-pedagogic a group of 7 children (as) aged 7-10 years who have been diagnosed with ADHD that currently enrolled in third grade at the Lyceum Workshop Llinás Together We Grow Foundation City of Pereira. Similarly here also exposed to the light of the results obtained from the analysis of our object of study, the experience arising from the interaction with these children (as) discussion integrating other key concepts (complementary to those present in the title of our proposal) such as: school environment, including educational, health and learning.
On the other hand we can say that the methodological approach of this research is quantitative descriptive and quasi-experimental.