Marco legislativo para el territorio marino-costero e insular en Colombia: aportes para su construcción bajo la premisa del país como potencia bioceánica
Roa García, Paula Andrea
The Colombian marine-coastal and insular territory offers a series of ecosystem services that, added to the national geopolitical position, constitute it as the axis of strategic development that will position Colombia as a bioceanic power. However, the leak of institutional and intersectoral coordination in national, regional and local levels, the absence of comprehensive planning instruments, the low monitoring to the policies implementation and the reduced budget allocation, are reflected through the constant exposition of this territory to negative pressures that bring with them socio-environmental conflicts and degradation of strategic ecosystems. Therefore, this chapter sets out the most relevant international agreements and commitments acquired and the national public policies issued to date that promote a sustainable marine-coastal and insular development, added to the elements that haven’t allowed its effective implementation. Subsequently, it evaluates the assorted process in the Colombian Congress to issue the legislative framework of the marine-coastal and insular territory and finally, raises contributions that will serve as inputs in the construction of legislative initiatives that may allow improvements in the Colombian legal system of this territory.