Periodismo ambiental en Colombia: Análisis comparativo sobre el cubrimiento de los diarios web El Tiempo y El Espectador.
Valenzuela Polanco, María Juliana
Environmental Journalism is a type of specialized journalism that is responsible for conducting investigative coverage of the environment, understanding it as the set of living beings and forms of life that converge on the planet. Its origins go back to the 70s, when for the first time they began to warn about the consequences of climate change worldwide, since then it has been characterized not only for its informative work, but also for educational intentions to motivate individual changes and collectives to mitigate the global environmental crisis. However, discussions and debates on the conceptualization of Environmental Journalism began to circulate approximately from 2004. Taking into account that Environmental Journalism is a recent specialization, the motivation that this article goes through is to provide a comparative panorama to evaluate journalistic practice in this field, and thus encourage discussion of the tools and strategies that have been and could be implemented. to contribute to the further development of this specialization. For this, the investigation analyzed the web content on the environment of the Colombian newspapers, El Tiempo and El Espectador, since these are considered two of the most consulted media in the country.