Emprendimiento e innovación en territorio mexicano
Macías Corredor, Juan Martín
Lombana Cifuentes, Stefanny Natalia
Entrepreneurship and innovation have become key factors for the companies not only in Latin America but in the entire world. This piece of work performs an analysis on the ways in which different Mexican companies have approached these concepts as a fundamental base for the development of their operations and a way to achieve excellent market development. Furthermore, it seeks to understand the development and impact that entrepreneurship and innovation within the Mexican market context, such as its possible application in Colombia. The concept of innovation is evaluated such as its different typologies. As well as the definition of entrepreneurship and its applications in the previous companies. In order to achieve the main objective, an investigation was conducted in order to analyze the processes and politics related with entrepreneurship strategies that Mexico has applied. Additionally, elements and resources that were part of those entrepreneurial strategies were identified for possible application to the Colombian context. This work has as background, the visits realized to the production plants in Mexico of companies such as Bimbo, Coca Cola, Yakult and Nestlé, all of them from the processed food industry.