“Todo lo que se haga en contra del vicio siempre será poco”: los conductores ebrios como problema público en Colombia entre 1970 y 2013
Cano Bermúdez, David Guillermo
This research asks about the ways in which drunk driving has been configured as a public problem in Colombia, taking as milestones the different National Land Traffic Codes, starting with Law 1344 of 1970 and ending with Law 1696 of 2013, in which the treatment of this conduct is increasingly strong and punitive. It is a qualitative case study that is divided into three chapters that respond to three configurations, through which the emergence and transit of this conduct as a public problem is studied through three perspectives - development, citizen culture and public health and, finally, punitive inflation and securitization -. It was carried out based on the review and analysis of press and audiovisual material for the period studied, review of legal and state documents and interviews with experts. Its reading can provide a methodological and theoretical framework for the understanding of other public problems and non-problems.