Circuito artístico y cultural Calle 10
Santos Rodríguez, Daniela
Villarraga Pérez, Juan Darío
The Artistic and cultural circuit Calle 10 project is conceived as a network to connect the artistic, cultural and commercial offers of Calle 10 in the Localidad of La Candelaria in Bogotá city, between the Carrera Second and Seventh with its most precious resource: the artists of the public space. The project promotes this territory as a location for consumption and cultural offer on the last Sunday of each month. The purpose of the Circuito Artístico y Cultural Calle 10 is to organize different itinerant exhibitions along the street in association with 18 artists from the public space whose performances include dancing, singing, drawing, caricature, painting, living statues, circus acts and music. In addition, the circuit proposes four guided free and paid tours integrating local businesses to support economic and cultural reactivation. In summary, the project generates different connections between artists, merchants and the visiting population.