El cambio climático a los ojos del derecho internacional público y su incorporación en el ordenamiento colombiano
Quiceno Alonso, Mariana
Climate Change is an environmental phenomenon that affects the entire international community, representing a threat to the survival of human beings on Earth, becoming a security issue for the States that conform the International System. In this monograph, the phenomenon of climate change, its origin and global implications will be examined, as well as the vulnerability that Climate Change represents for Colombia, a State with so many ecosystems and biodiversity. Likewise, the document will analyze the current international obligations that the Colombian State has obtained from the ratification of international instruments such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC , the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, in an effort to mitigate and adapt to the effects of Climate Change. In this way, it is important to review the Colombian compliance at the national level of norms, decrees and public policies that have been implemented. The document will review legal instruments such as: Bill 1931 of 2018, which establishes guidelines for the management of Climate Change in the national territory, Decree 298 of 2016 by which the National System of Climate Change is created, as well as the National Policy of Climate Change for an integral analysis of the subject.