Decisiones de Rapidplas ante la turbulencia del entorno por el COVID-19 en Bogotá
Olave Maya, Santiago
Suarez Sanabria, María Camila
The world is going through an unpredictable situation, triggered at the end of 2019 by the arrival of COVID-19, whose control to reduce the speed of contagion, was limited only to the implementation of biosecurity guidelines and protocols, which essentially restricted contact between people, and therefore, their mobilization and interaction in work, school, entertainment, etc. spaces, paralyzing all types of activities outside the home. The graphic arts sector in Bogota, a couple of years ago, was being affected by technological advances, which displaced labor, and by environmental policies, which force the replacement of the usual chemical inputs by higher cost biodegradable ones. But this does not compare with the uncertainty generated by COVID-19, on sales, on the supply of inputs/supplies and on the survival of microenterprises. This case study presents the way in which a microenterprise of the sector, with a trajectory of more than 34 years and contracts in force before the restrictions due to the pandemic in the country, faces the turbulent environment generated by the confinement as a preventive mechanism of contagion, hand in hand with financial management during this period, product development strategy and alliances with various companies in the locality of Teusaquillo in Bogota. Understanding as turbulence of the environment, the situation that the environment lives, where resources and restrictions are constantly changing, which forces companies to react and/or adapt to these circumstances, in order not to disappear in the sector (Rivera Rodríguez, 2019).