Estrategias de “marketing digital” basadas en el uso de “influencers” en empresas de alta demanda: un análisis desde la gestión comercial con plataformas TIC.
Callejas Porto, Marcela
With the development of this project, it is sought to address the need to disseminate digital marketing strategies in the city of Barranquilla, in the high demand sector, more specifically in companies in the restaurant sector. According to El Heraldo in an interview with David de Nubila, an expert consultant in digital marketing, it is indicated that in the Caribbean Region there is currently an academic deficit in terms of issues related to digital marketing, and that this topic should be a priority today, since Most of the SMEs in the region have turned their back on it, and it is necessary for their growth at the level of digitization. (Daniela, 2018) As the restaurant sector is an industry that is mostly composed of small and medium-sized companies, with approximately 500 thousand restaurants in the category of micro-businesses in the country, (DANE, 2019) and being a representative union for the economy of the city of Barranquilla with 3,600 restaurants that represent 9% of the jobs in the city according to figures from DANE (Caribbean Region, 2020), it is selected as a study sample, for the analysis of the high demand sector. For this reason, the outlining of strategies based on influencers is proposed, as it is still a little-explored phenomenon, which has an interesting potential to boost businesses on a digital level. To understand a little better the role of the influencer, the theory of social networks by Lozares (1996), the consumer behavior of Pavlov (1927) and the study of the consumer by Martinez, Ruiz, Cruz and Verján (2015) will be taken as a theoretical reference. ). This project is expected to impact an environment where there are more than 67,000 companies according to figures from the Barranquilla Chamber of Commerce in 2017, of which 47% belong to 13 sectors that operate in high demand markets, and more specifically the 7.4% to the accommodation and restaurant sector; which have more than 3% average growth over GDP per year in the department (DANE, 2018).