Bibliotecas universitarias y su impacto sobre el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes “Estudio de caso del Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación CRAI de la Universidad del Rosario y su incidencia en el éxito estudiantil”
Mora Arévalo, Helman Hernando
Ramírez Álvarez, Estefanía
This case study seeks to determine if there is a relationship between the use of university libraries and CRAI services and resources regarding the student success from the academic performance front as a determining factor of student persistence. With the application of the CRISP-DM methodology for data analysis, it is intended to determine behaviours regarding the use of these services and resources taking as a criterion of academic performance the accumulated average of the students. It is also considered of great importance that libraries redefine their role to face the challenges of student retention, being a proactive body and not simply functioning in reaction to the academic needs of the institution. Based on these results, it seeks to contribute to the benefit of the Universidad del Rosario, as a referent for other universities and higher education institutions, so that they can adopt different analyses and recommendations.