Desenlaces funcionales y radiológicos de reemplazos de cadera por vía anterior en pacientes del centro de cuidado clínico de ortogeriatría desde el 2014 al 2019
Villán Gaona, Jorge Luciano
Background: Intracapsular hip fractures are a fragility injury that affects the elderly. Total hip replacement (THR) is currently recommended, which can be performed by different surgical approaches. The anterior approach in Colombia has been little described. Objective: To characterize the functional and radiographic outcomes of the THR secondary to trauma performed in patients older than 65 years of the Orthogeriatric Program of the Fundación Santa Fe University Hospital (FSFB) during January 2014 - January 2019. Methodology: Case series where the cases are surgical events performed in patients diagnosed with hip fracture and THR by anterior approach, excluding patients with pathological fractures. Descriptive statistics were produced to summarize the variables. The protocol was approved by the ethics committee of the Fundación Santafé de Bogotá. Results: 46 events are described. The follow-up was 108 days (Q1:62;Q3:880), the average age was 80 years (SD 9). The mean duration of surgery was 125 minutes (SD 24). There was no mortality associated with the surgical procedure. Functional outcome (PARKER) improves three months postoperatively and improves twelve months later. Radiological outcomes, 80% of the radiographs had technical problems. There are no differences in the length of the operated tip compared to the contralateral one. The general offset, at 12 months the median is 93 (Q1:86; Q3:103) in the operated hip and 96 (Q1:88; Q3:105) in the contralateral hip. Conclusions: No clinical differences are suggested in postoperative functionality tests when compared with prefracture values. Regarding the radiological outcomes, it can be concluded that symmetry was maintained with respect to the contralateral hip.