Optimización de Ventas en Microempresa de Materiales de Construcción
Rojas Gonzalez, Diana Catalina
Ariza Olaya, Marcela Margarita
The next document approaches the SUPEGAFORTs business problem, which consists in a sales decrease during the last years. This company belong to the construction industry, it is located in Bogotá and it is focus in the fabrication and sale of products for finish constructions, products like, ceramic glue, stucco, paint and a product for put on the tile joints. In the chapter 1 of the document we made an analysis of the context and environment that is around of SUPEGAFORT, making an emphasis in the construction industry. In general, this part evidence that the industry has a great growth opportunity, especially the finishing construction market, even with the COVID-19 impact. Also, this document talks about the present situation of SUPEGAFORT, its competitors, the sales behavior and the organizational structure. In the chapter 2 we start with the field investigation, where we applied different search methodology’s for identify the causes and improve opportunities, all this for establish a solution for the main problem of SUPEGAFORT. The investigation concludes that the main strong of the company is that the clients recognized a high quality in the products, also they were clear with the fact that they feel happy with the service and advisory that de company’s offer to them. Finally, in the chapter 3 we developed a Marketing Plan as a solution of the business problem of SUPEGAFORT. In this plan we made proposals that could mean important improves for the company, because we make a special emphasis in improve the sales tools, sales strategy and the company image. We considerate that if the company applies the plan, it will can profit the benefits that its clients perceive of them and the company will start to compete more in the Bogota´s market.