Rodríguez Chacón, Fabián Andrés
Wills de Villa, Gregorio
Amparemos is a socially responsible company that seeks to unify the different social projects that focus on improving the community; Within these projects you can find national enterprises, foundations, vulnerable social groups, etc. This company is characterized by facilitating a channel of communication and rapprochement between enterprises, foundations, social groups, volunteers, donors and users. The present work has the purpose of exposing and putting into practice within Amparemos, everything learned in PADE 2 with Professor Rodrigo Federico Barbagelata García, in which topics related to digital marketing have been seen and how all these tools can be used in Amparemos our company, excelling within this social market and demonstrate the impact that can be achieved within the community and be able to grow through these tools. The Digital Marketing strategies that are to be implemented in Amparemos are guided to expose to the public the different activities that can be carried out with the different social projects that can be found in Colombia and how we seek to create a collaborative economy in order to progress, awakening a interest to know and in the same way to encourage the collaboration of users in them. At the same time using strategies to create fidelity in the parties. In order to reach this point of user action, attraction objectives will be created, which are focused on being able to reach our target audience and that they begin to view the shared content and increase visits to the Amparemos website. Other objectives will focus on the call to action where users are expected to interact within the different platforms and increase their followers on social networks, and in the same way that they look for a project that attracts them and donate. Finally, we will find the Loyalty objectives, which will be guided by digital marketing strategies to encourage users to approach the platforms again and become a concurrent and collaborative user in each campaign to be carried out. In addition, we will seek to know the state of those companies or foundations that have an activity similar to that of Amparemos. However, they will not be analyzed as competitors but as co-competitors, so those actions or key points that we can use to improve the brand image of Amparemos and our Digital strategies will be identified. Likewise, the profile of the Buyer Persona will be established for each of the parties involved, considering that to protect us, different types of users and allies will be found, for which it is important to know the profile of each one of them in order to achieve our objectives. of Amparemos.